Jasper Dentistry has been providing high-quality, trustworthy dental care to generations of families in Fort Mill for 30 years now! Dr. Michele Jasper opened her practice with a vision to provide personalized care that doesn’t treat patients just by looking at their teeth, but by getting to know the whole, amazing person they are. Jasper Dentistry is looking forward to serving the community of Fort Mill for many more years to come!
Our 30-Year Celebration
In June of 1994, Dr. Michele Jasper opened the doors to our office, and that 30 years deserves celebrating! To commemorate our history, we decided to throw an anniversary celebration. The halls and lobby were filled with laughter, joy, and love from our long-time patients, families, colleagues, and friends, reflecting on fond memories and where our practice grew from.
We want to thank and acknowledge everybody who has supported Dr. Jasper’s vision over the years, including our patients who we’ve seen since they were children, and who now trust us with their kids’ smiles.
A Wonderful Vision Made Possible by Endless Support
Dr. Jasper owes these 30 years to the countless wonderful people in her life, from her parents who believed in her and instilled in her strong values and perseverance, to her wonderful, supportive husband, children, and sisters. Most importantly, she thanks her team who has stuck by her since the early days of the practice, helping channel her inspiration and energy into making the practice what it is today. She also owes her success to God, who has given her the skills and strength to serve and love her wonderful profession (which she chose in 2nd grade!).
Moving forward, Dr. Jasper and her wonderful team of dentists and professionals plan to continue providing the honest, reliable care that families in Fort Mills have come to rely on, and she looks forward to being able to celebrate countless more anniversaries to come!