Please follow these post-op dental homecare instructions to best care for your smile after various dental treatments.
You will remain numb for approximately 2-4 hours.
The tooth/teeth may remain sensitive to hot, cold, and biting pressure for 8 weeks.
After 48 hours, if your bite feels high, please call our office at 803.548.4353 for a short appointment to have your bite adjusted.
You may take Ibuprofen products for pain: 400-600 mg every 4 hours, not to exceed 2400 mg in 24 hours, if your medical doctor permits you to take these medications.
For additional pain relief, you may alternate Ibuprofen and regular strength Tylenol every 4 hours. Do not take Aspirin products.
Do not eat sticky foods or anything hard that could pull off or fracture the temporary.
Only floss your temporary crown or bridge as you were shown at your appointment.
Do not eat or drink for 1 1/2 hours after the appointment today.
Some soreness of the gums and tooth is normal 1-3 days. Take Ibuprofen product as needed (400 mg every 4 hours not to exceed 2400 mg per day) if your medical doctor permits you to take these medications.
For additional pain relief, you may alternate Ibuprofen and regular strength Tylenol every 4 hours. Do not take Aspirin products.
If your temporary crown comes off, call our office ASAP. If you cannot get in due to your own schedule, you may clean the crown and put it on with Fixodent or denture adhesive.
Hot, cold and biting pressure sensitivity is normal while wearing a temporary bridge or crown.
Do not eat or drink for at least 1.5 hours.
Do not floss crown or bridge for 24 hours.
Do not eat anything sticky or chewy for 24 hours.
Following scaling and root planing, you can expect to notice less redness, less bleeding, and less swelling of your gum tissue. Your mouth will taste better and feel better. Your gum health can then be maintained with proper home-care and regular professional care.
Discomfort or pain should not be acute and should subside in a few hours, definitely within a few days. Discomfort immediately after treatment is expected to be slight throbbing or aching and occasionally may be uncomfortable. Ibuprofen may be taken, if necessary, as directed, to manage pain. If local anesthetic was used, avoid eating until feeling returns to avoid injury to the tongue or cheeks.
Teeth may be sensitive to temperature changes and/or sweets. The sensitivity to temperature may be noticeable the first several days and usually diminishes quickly.
Some slight bleeding may occur during the next several brushings but the bleeding should steadily decrease.
As the gums heal they may change their shape around the teeth. This is normal as they may tighten.
If extensive root planning was performed, chewing hard or crunchy foods may be uncomfortable; this should last no longer than a few days. A diet of a softer consistency would be advised until chewing becomes more comfortable.
If symptoms are severe or persistent, please call our office immediately at 803.548.4353.
Bleeding: If given gauze, change it as directed every 20-30 minutes until active bleeding has subsided (usually 2-3 hours).
Make sure to apply good pressure to the gauze.
You may remove gauze to begin drinking, but return fresh gauze to surgery site(s) if bleeding is still present.
It is normal to experience light bleeding for up to 24 hours. If there is severe bleeding follow instructions at the bottom of the form under “Excessive Bleeding”
DO NOT brush your teeth, rinse your mouth or spit.
DO NOT drink through a straw.
Swelling: Ice packs may be used to reduce swelling. Rotate ice pack on & off or side to side every 30 minutes for 24 hours.
Smoking/Alcohol: Avoid alcohol or smoking today and for a week following surgery.
Numbness: You will probably remain numb for several hours after extraction(s), so it is recommended that you begin to drink fluids, and take pain medication (Over the Counter or Prescribed) before the anesthetic wears off (or when you begin to feel a tingling sensation).
You MAY have been given the following medications:
Pain medicine: should be taken as needed. You may take ibuprofen (400-600 mg every 6 hours) in addition to or instead of your prescription pain medication. While taking prescription medication, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Be sure to eat something prior to taking pain medicine to reduce nausea.
Antibiotic: should be taken as directed until gone. Be aware that some antibiotics can reduce the contraceptive effect of birth control pills. Please contact your gynecologist or pharmacist if you have concerns.
Mouth rinse: use as directed on the bottle.
Hygiene: Return to your normal brushing routine, being very careful around extraction site(s).
Avoid using full-strength mouthwashes for 2 weeks.
Begin using a warm salt-water rinse (1/4 teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water) every 2-3 hours for 3 days.
Pain and swelling is normal and expected, and may last for 10-14 days. Don’t be alarmed if the third day is the worst.
Continue eating soft foods. You may begin to gradually return to your normal diet as tolerated.
Avoid spicy foods and drinks for 2 weeks.
Sutures/Stitches: You may have sutures placed in your mouth to control the bleeding & hasten healing. They will dissolve on their own over 7-14 days.
If swelling is still present on the 4th or 5th day following the extraction, then begin using a warm moist compress for the next several days.
Rinse mouth with cool water & gently wipe away blood clots with a clean piece of gauze or a tissue.
Take a large amount of gauze or 2 tea bags moistened with water & place over bleeding area & close mouth, applying constant pressure.
Remain quiet & in a sitting position for 20-30 minutes.
Repeat steps 3 & 4 until bleeding is controlled.
After these directions have been followed in detail & excessive bleeding persists, you should call our office.
After each meal remove denture, rinse and brush denture with denture cream toothpaste and small toothbrush or denture brush. Also brush tongue with wet toothbrush.
Once per week, soak denture in Polident or Efferdent denture cleaner.
DO NOT soak your denture in mouthwash, peroxide or bleach - this will discolor it!
When not wearing your denture, place it in a container with a few drops of water to keep it moist. DO NOT allow your denture to completely dry out.
Remove denture every night to allow your tissue to rest. YOU MUST LEAVE DENTURE OUT FOR AT LEAST 8 HOURS EACH DAY OR NIGHT.
Call our office with any questions or sore spots.
Vital bleaching offers a safe, effective means of bleaching mildly discolored teeth. Your teeth are likely to lighten 2-3 shades. Porcelain crowns, bridges, or veneers will remain unchanged. Additionally, some anterior composite fillings may need to be replaced after bleaching to achieve a shade match.
A dental cleaning prior to the start of the bleaching process will help in achieving optimum results by reducing external stain and providing optimum contact between the whitening/bleaching gel and the tooth.
Please follow the written instructions given to you when you received your bleaching kit. Do not eat/drink ANYTHING THAT COULD STAIN A WHITE SHIRT FOR 3 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT.
After each dental cleaning, all of the external stains have been polished off. This is a great time to touch-up bleach for 30 minutes. You can do this for 1-3 days.
This is a list of acidic foods and drinks to avoid if mouth ulcers are present:
Citrus Fruits and Juices
Spaghetti sauce and all tomato based foods